Playgrounds have the power to bring children, families, and communities together. They can lure kids away from electronics and encourage physical fitness for all ages. They can also promote social interaction and friendship-building. However, the famous quote, “If you build it, they will come,” from the classic movie Field of Dreams, doesn’t always apply to playgrounds. To get the type of engagement you want, you need to plan community play areas that are interesting and inviting.
If you build a bare-bones park with a couple of swing sets and an obligatory slide, it probably won’t create much interest. But if you design it with visually interesting features, fun colors, and unique design elements, people will flock to it. Here are some creative playground design tips for urban housing developments that will generate community excitement.
Inspire With Colors
Color is often the last thing people think about when designing a playground. However, it’s one of the most important features for sparking imagination and inspiring creativity. There isn’t a single color scheme that works perfectly for every playground. You must carefully consider factors like age and playground theme when selecting the color palette for your playground equipment. You also need to think about the climate because certain colors become much hotter in scalding temperatures than others.
Bright colors are essential for building a high-energy play area for young kids. Some great options include bright oranges, reds, and yellows. Greens and blues help create a sense of safety and calmness, so they’re great colors to include in quiet areas and musical parks. If you’re going for more of a natural-looking park, you might want to incorporate tans, browns, and other earth tones into your color theme.
Incorporate Musical Elements Into Your Design
Outdoor musical elements can add a touch of whimsy to any urban playground. They’re also great for keeping kids of all ages and abilities engaged. For the best results, include various durable outdoor music equipment types. Please keep them in the same general area, but space each instrument a few feet apart. That way, kids won’t bump into each other while playing or accidentally hit each other with xylophone mallets.
Some instrument ideas for your musical play area include bongo drums, an outdoor-friendly xylophone, and a percussion panel. Chimes and talk tubes are also a lot of fun for children of all ages. There are even hand-activated, mouth-free whistles that are easy for young ones to play. These create fun whistling noises without spreading germs.
Create Themed Areas
Many parks have become so predictable that they fail to generate surprise and excitement. To make your urban playground design as appealing as possible, create one or more themed areas that encourage pretend play. Your theme could be whimsical, like dragons or fairies. Or you might integrate more realism into your park by installing equipment with wildlife or train design elements. Most kids will be happy with creative playground equipment, no matter what subject matter you choose for design inspiration.
Pirate ships and castles are also beloved playground equipment designs. If you can’t decide what theme to choose, why settle with just one? You can create multiple play areas with completely different character ideas. For example, you could turn the toddler play area into a fairyland complete with dwarf-inspired playhouses and mushroom-shaped features. You could incorporate themes like Ninja Warrior and tree houses in the big kid’s area.
Integrate Abstract Play Structures
Themed playground equipment can transform any play area from mundane to exciting and interesting. However, including some abstract play structures in your park is also good. These can encourage children to use their imaginations to figure out what the abstract play structures look like and how to use them.
For example, you might install a series of logs, nets, and ropes around the playground. Or you could add a series of large plastic tubes, boxes, or other structures that facilitate unstructured play. Children will need to figure out how to interact and play with those types of structures. This can create a fun challenge and wake up their imaginations. The ability to think imaginatively is crucial to a child’s social and emotional development.
Make the Most of Limited Space
Don’t let a small design space muzzle your creativity. Many urban areas don’t have large playground areas, so you’ll have to learn to think outside the box. Tiny can be terrific as long as you optimize your space. Look for multi-functional and compact equipment to help you best use small areas.
Don’t forget to use up vertical space when you don’t have a lot of horizontal area to work with. Select elevated play elements, wall-mounted activities, and climbing structures. Make sure these are all sturdy and well-enclosed to reduce the risk of falls and injuries. Always have an inspector review your plans for safety purposes before purchasing or installing the equipment. Make sure the playground surface is made with impact-absorbing materials to cushion potential falls too.
Designing a playground for an urban area can be both challenging and rewarding. Your efforts today could improve physical health and social interaction amongst tomorrow’s children. Use these tips to design interesting and creative play areas that will become favorite gathering areas for children, friends, and families.