The Ghaziabad Police have suspended three police officers and registered a criminal case opposing them for allegedly threatening a man of implicating him in a rape case if he did no longer pay Rs 60,000 in bribes, a legit stated on Monday. Acting on the complaint using one Nawab Ali Saifi, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Upendra Agrawal on Sunday ordered submitting a case in opposition to the three — Sub-Inspector Ashutosh Tarar, constables Vijay Kumar Sharma and Javed — posted on the Loni border police station. The case has been registered beneath relevant sections of the Criminal Law Amendment Act and the Prevention of Corruption Act.
Two different individuals — Rakesh Khurana and Parminder — have additionally been named in the case. The case turned into being investigated, Agrawal said. Saifi stated in his complaint Khurana and Parminder, two assets dealers, in collaboration with the police officers, referred him to the police station wh, ich a lady turned into a gift. Even while the female refused to realize him, the police officers threatened to implicate him in a rape case.
Saifi alleged the policemen were operating at the behest of the property sellers “who wanted to settle their business rankings with the help of the police.” Saifi recorded the entire communication and dispatched it to SSP Agrawal. In the anxious project of property shopping for or selling, belongings dealers stand because of the middleman. They go approximately ensuring you get the quality offers out there, which may translate to a clever investment for you as a patron or an excellent sale as a seller.
Property selling and buying is not any walk inside the park. It is not a lie that we sometimes try and do things our way, which may lead us not to get our money’s -worth. It is that specific hazard that makes the pressing want to search for an asset supplier. And while we have installed that every matter concerning a purchase or acquisition of belongings isn’t an easy assignment, locating the proper middleman shares an identical difficulty level. How does one go approximately finding this appropriate supplier? We anticipate an extraordinarily able character that could search for the good consumer for the looking dealer and vice versa. That provider might be arranging meetings between the two essential players so that a person can take the initiative within the cash transaction and ensure that any wanted files are not disregarded from the image.
Having stated the ones, it’s miles imperative that one would not announce their need for a belongings dealer. An influx of calls, emails, and letters from aspiring intermediaries may want to erupt. Certainly, amongst those might be scammers or dealers who can genuinely steer your manner beyond your set targets and now, not to mention finances. One of the most critical matters of the route is inviting about heritage, mainly professional enjoyment. It is your right to evaluate the competence of the middleman you are to choose. They can result in homes of awful great because of this loss and now not to mention a waste of time.
It doesn’t hurt to know the tricks of the change, proper? Try to discover your home supplier’s know-how by using asking as a great deal as you may. While doing so, you are also organizing a deeper professional connection.
Remember that this purchase or sale must advantage all the events worried and that consists of them. More importantly, it can also open a long-term enterprise relationship between both of you.